Course Policies

[Add any specific course policies here]


Academic Integrity:

You are expected to be familiar with the Student Guide to Academic Integrity at WPI that is downloadable here: . Consequences for violating the Academic Honest Policy range from earning a zero on the assignment, failing the course, or being suspended or expelled from WPI.

Common examples of violations include:

  • Copying and pasting text directly from a source without providing appropriately cited credit
  • Paraphrasing, summarizing, or rephrasing from a source without providing appropriate citations
  • Collaborating on individual assignments
  • Turning in work where a good portion of the work is someone else’s, even if properly cited

Academic Accommodations:

Courses should be compliant with the American Disability Act. Provide the following statement or a similar variation. If you, as the instructor, have questions about making content accessible to all learners, reach out to the Office of Disability Services.

We at WPI strive to create an inclusive environment where all students are valued members of the class community. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you have medical information to share with us that may impact your performance or participation in this course, please make an appointment with us as soon as possible. If you have approved accommodations, please request your accommodation letters online through the Office of Disability Services student portal. If you have not already done so, students with disabilities who need to utilize accommodations for this course are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Email –

Phone – (508) 831-4908

On Campus – Daniels Hall, First Floor 124

Grading Policy:

Provide WPI’s up-to-date grading policy (use statement below or a similar variation).

Final course grades are based on a student’s performance as follows:

Letter Grade



90 - 100


80 - 89


70 - 79


60 - 69


< 60

Course incompletes may be granted if the major part of the course is completed; however, no additional credit can be given for missed class discussions or teamwork beyond the end of the course. In addition, in the case of an incomplete, the student is responsible for handing in the final work within the WPI required timeframe of one (1) year. After this time, an incomplete grade changes to a failing (F) grade.