DS Certificate - DS and Non DS Majors
To fulfill the requirements for a Certificate in Data Science, take the following:
Course 1: DS501 (or DS595 for non DS majors) is required for all students.
Course 2 and Course 3: Two additional courses must be from the Data Science core courses listed in the graduate catalog, and
Course 4 and Course 5 (if needed to fulfill 12 credits): The remaining credits can be earned from any Data Science elective course(s) listed in the graduate catalog or otherwise approved by the program.
For students lacking a background in either the computational side or the statistical side, they should consider taking one of the following ramp up courses as the elective course, which will help them building the needed background.
DS 517. Mathematical Foundations for Data Science
CS 5007. Intro to Applications of CS with Data Structures and Algorithms (Programming for non-CS
To formally declare a Certificate in Data Science, please complete the following process:
If you have completed the above requirements, please complete the following process to formally declare the certificate in Data Science with the Registrar’s Office. Once the Registrar’s Office receives the forms, they will manually create the certificate program on the student’s academic record and if everything looks good their certificate will be officially awarded on May 9th.
Intent to Graduate Form: https://hub.wpi.edu/io/Intent-To-Graduate
Certificate Completion Form: https://www.wpi.edu/sites/default/files/inline-image/Offices/Registrar/GraduateCertificateCompletionForm-New2020.pdf