Course Syllabus

Sample of Course Syllabus and Course Schedule

WPI Online Syllabus Sample

WPI Online Course Schedule Sample

WPI Syllabus Overview Sample Video 

In this Syllabus template you will see how a course syllabus is built for your online graduate course. The Syllabus will list all policies, procedures, assignments, etc. You can access the syllabus by going to the specific course and clicking on the Syllabus link in the menu on the left. 



The Syllabus contains a link to the course syllabus along with a list of assignments and due dates in a table. This is displayed in the Course Summary at the bottom of the page just click the details of the assignment.  (see the example below)


Note: You may also find the Syllabus in the Modules section of the course. 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due