Course Syllabus

CS4233, Object-Oriented Analysis & Design is a course that builds upon the knowledge you may have learned in CS2102, Object-Oriented Design Concepts, and CS3733, Software Engineering. In this course, you will do a deeper investigation into object-oriented principles, design patterns, and metrics for object-oriented systems. The focus is on developing a maturity in coding and design in order to improve your software craftsmanship.

This course helps you achieve the following WPI Computer Science program outcomes:

  • an understanding of programming language concepts;
  • an understanding of software engineering principles and the ability to apply them to software design;
  • completion of a large software project;
  • an ability to undertake independent learning;
  • an ability to locate and use technical information from multiple sources;

There is quite a bit of work that you need to do to complete this course. Make sure that you have a minimum of 15-20 hours a week to spend on it. The following table shows the number of videos in each module, an approximate total length of the videos for the module, an estimated time for completing the assignments and other work for the module (might be off by a significant amount), and a suggested date by when you should be done with the module. There are due dates for all of the assignments in a module and these dates are later than what I have suggested in the table. The due dates are the absolutely last date you can submit the assignment without receiving a zero for it. Don't wait until this last moment. I suggest that you pay more attention to the suggested schedule in the table. With an online course, it is too easy to put things off, thinking that you can catch up at the last moment. My experience has shown that this is usually a recipe for disaster for the student.

You might want to play the videos at fast speed if you are able. I find they're still quite understandable, and in many cases more interesting. :-)

Module # videos Video time (min.) Est. work time (hr.) Finish by
0 2 20 2 3/12

Notes on the suggested schedule:


Where to go next

Now it's time to start the course. You can click on the Modules page and start with the introductory module, Module 0; go here to the first video in that module.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due